Using interface to make a timely statement

In The US, this past week of July 4th was marked by violence that many of us are still wrapping our heads around.

I wanted to take a minute to show some timely design that is addressing violence of this last week.


Beyonce's Call to End Police Violence

Beyonce’s website is a content rich experience that immerses Beyonce fans in lush visuals and bold typography.

At the top of Beyonce’s content-aggregation style site, is a call to action in bold typography that stands out amongst the visuals on her site. Likely run on a Content Management System, it is a versatile and swift way to respond to national events.


Weiden and Kennedy

Wieden and Kennedy Front Page takeover

Wieden and Kennedy take over their front page.


Wieden and Kennedy take over the front page of their site with an epitaph addressing the quiet, emotional and psychological side of violence. Forgoing the usual agency portfolio, careers and contact site organization, the only link from the front page is to the Twitter hashtag #blacklivesmatter.



Uber Replaces cars with Peace Signs

Uber is no stranger to using their app interface to express opinions. In this instance they are asking for users to contemplate the violence of the last week by changing their car icons into peace signs.


Thoughts are with the families of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the officers of the Dallas Police Department.